List of Tamil words in Persian language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Persian language
Dr.Variankaval Ramasamy Annadurai; MD; DPM;
Persian also known by its endonym Farsi, is a Western Iranian language belonging to the Iranian branch of the Indo-Iranian subdivision of the Indo-European languages. Persian is a pluricentric language predominantly spoken and used officially within Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan in three mutually intelligible standard varieties, namely Iranian Persian (officially known as Persian), Dari Persian (officially known as Dari since 1964) and Tajiki Persian (officially known as Tajik since 1999). It is also spoken natively in the Tajik variety by a significant population within Uzbekistan, as well as within other regions with a Persianate history in the cultural sphere of Greater Iran. It is written officially within Iran and Afghanistan in the Persian alphabet, a derivation of the Arabic script, and within Tajikistan in the Tajik alphabet, a derivation of the Cyrillic script.
Modern Persian is a continuation of Middle Persian, an official language of the Sasanian Empire (224–651 CE), itself a continuation of Old Persian, which was used in the Achaemenid Empire (550–330 BCE). It originated in the region of Pars (Persia) in southwestern Iran. Its grammar is similar to that of many European languages.
Throughout history, Persian was considered prestigious by various empires centred in Western Asia, Central Asia, and South Asia. Old Persian is attested in Old Persian cuneiform on inscriptions from between the 6th and 4th century BC. Middle Persian is attested in Aramaic-derived scripts (Pahlavi and Manichaean) on inscriptions and in Zoroastrian and Manichaean scriptures from between the third to the tenth centuries (see Middle Persian literature). New Persian literature was first recorded in the ninth century, after the Muslim conquest of Persia, since then adopting the Arabic script.
There are approximately 110 million Persian speakers worldwide, including Persians, Lurs, Tajiks, Hazaras, Iranian Azeris, Iranian Kurds, Balochs, Tats and Aimaqs. The term Persophone might also be used to refer to a speaker of Persian.

Clues to read Persian Words into Tamil
Letter ‘k’ = ‘v’; ‘v’= ‘k’; letter ‘Ra’= ‘la’.
Add vowels then and there.
Letter ’p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
Add letters ‘m’ and ‘n’ then and there.
A consonant letter can be read more than once.
If a same letter occurs consecutively more than once it can be read as a single letter.
By jumbling the letters of the given Persian word, a Tamil word can be derived.
A Comprehensive Persian -English Dictionary – by F. Steingaas , Ph.D
English- Persian -Tamil
1.praise- abad- thuthi; paadu.
*2. city- abad- patti /village
3.proving- ibtila –meipitthal
4.seeking- ibtigha- naadiduka; thaeduka.
*5. producing something new- ibtida- puthithaa padaiththida ; puthithu- new.
6.publishing new- ibda- puthiyathi pathippiththidu ; letters are jumbled; puthiyathu- new; pathippiththidu/ to publish
7.eternally- abad- eppoathum
8.body- abdam- udampu ; letters are jumbled ;pothi .
9.taking to oneself- ittikkas- thaanae eduthhtukka ;than- self; edukka- take. atish- thee
*11. spark of fire- atis para- thee pori
12.furnace/ oven- atis taba- soottu aduppu ; letters are jumbled.
*13. fire temple- atis kada- thee koattam ; thee- fire; koattam- temple.
14.agreeing- ittifaq- yaeththiduka ; oththu poaka .
*15. restraining one’s senses- ittiqaf- adakku / to restrain /control
16.furnace- atun- adu manai plait a garment- utu- udai yaei madi ; udai- garment; madi- to fold. run away- uttu- oaadidu / to run
19.a braid- utu- mudai
*20. castrated- akhta- kaai adiththu; kaai adi /to castrate; kaai- testis; adi- to beat.
*21. making a mistake- ikhta- kuththam/ mistake
*22. calamities- akhtar- kaedu adaithar
23.charcoal- akhgar- kari munn
24.vacating- ikhla -kaali sei; sei- do.
25.mixing- ikhlat- kalanthidu adar-sudar
*27.pounding- idqaq- idikka; podikka.
*28. pure- adman- thoomiayaana
*29. a language- urdu- uraiyaadu /to converse
*30.a saw- arra- ari ; root word is aru- to tear /cut.
31.a sewing up- azadagi- theikka/ to sew
*32. sharpening- istihdad-theettidu /to sharpen
*33. star- astar- sudar / fire; the sudar; letters are jumbled; thee- fire.
34.driving- istiyag- oaattuka
*35. walls of a city- aswar – suwar/ wall. rest- asuda- saainthida
37.repose- asudagi- saainthiduka die- asudan- seththidanum
39.prisoner- asir- sirai / prison
*40. producing- isdar- seithar
*41. equal- adal- oththu ulla
*42. giving- ita- thaa-
*43. ascending- ila- yazhu
44.being angry- ightiyas-kaduppu / anger embrace- aghishtan –katti anai
46.strange/a wonderful thing- aftid- puthiyathu / novel one
*47. praising- aftid - paadidu
*48. separating- ifraz-piriya
*49. juice- afshura – saaru
*50. dying for love- iqtital- kaathal / love
*51.slaying one another- iqtital- kaathuthal/ slaying
*52.boiling in a pot- iqtidar- kothiththar/ boiling
53.being powerful /authority - iqtidar-kedi udaiyaar ; kdi- power; udaiyaar- those who have.
54.claim- iqtiza – kaettidu /ask
*55. cutting off- iqtita/ iqta-kaathu
*56. wrapping the sash round the turban- iqtiat- kattu /wrap
57.acquiring – iqtiraf- kai pattru ; letters are jumbled.
58.acquiring- iktisab-kai paththu; letters are jumbled; kai adaiya.
*59. dressing oneself- iktisa- kattu
*60. coagulating- aqt- ketti aayida
*61.act/ of a play- akt- kooththu
62.union- akhdish –koottam
63.dark coloured- akdar- karuththa /dark; letters are jumbled.
64.most merciful- akram- erakkam; letters are jumbled.
*65. tied- akasta- kattiya
*66. eating- akl- kizhi
*67. food- akl- koozh
68.fatiguing-iklal- kalaippu
*69. high hills- akam -kamai/ mountain owl- aku- kookai
*71. house- al- il
72.hook- aguch –kokki
*73. small cardamoms- alachi – yaela- k-kaai
*74.mother- umm- amma amra- maa maram ; maa- mango ; maram- tree. amba- maa
*77.a mother [ in Zand and Pazand] -an- annai
78.a tamarind- ambala- puliyam pazham ; puli- tamrind; pazham- fruit.
79.a pitcher- andav- andaa
80.thinking- andesh -ennidu / to think
*81.voice/ sound- awaz- voasai ; vaai asai ; vaai- mouth; asai- to move/ say
*82.weighing down- aud- edai idu ;edai- weight; idu- make.
*83.highest point/ top- auj- uchchi
*84.pole/ stakes- autad –thadi
85.the sacred book of Zorester- awesta–waetha ;voathiyathu / recited./spoken .
86.native country- autan- thaai munn ; thaai- mother; munn- land.
87.countries – autan- thinai / land/ country; dunya ; naadu -state; letters are in reversed order.v.
88.a fire- anar- neruppu
89.a town between Ardabil and Tabriz- ahr- vuoor
*100.person- ahl- aal
101.putting on the garment called izar—itizar – udai uththuthar ; udai- dress; uduththu- to wear.
*102.creation- ijad-seiththathu
*103.oozing- ayda- uooththa
*104.shutting / door- isad- saaththu
105.inflaming with anger- ighar- karuppu /anger
106.coming- ayanda- vanthida
*107.father- baba- appa
108.suitable- batab- oppu udaiyathu
109.pitcher full of water- batuna- thanni paanai ; letters are jumbled; thanni- water; paanai- pot.
110.a kind of silk- badamah- pattu
111.eunuch- badami- paedi
*112.rupture- bad khaya- pottikka
113.swollen testis- bad khaya- kaai pudaiththida ; kaai- testis; pudaiththida- to swell.
* any intoxicating drink - bada- pattai
*115.a foetus- bar- paeru / baby
*116.pregnant- bar dar-paeru adaithar
*117.greatness- bar- periya of a village near Tus- bar- paer uoor; periya- big; uoor- village.
*119.digging /a well- bar – pari / to dig
*120.beneficent- bar -paeru / benefit
*121.firm /solid- barid- paer uruthi; paer- big; uruthi- firm
122.leave- bar dad- puappadu
123.a city in India- Baroach -barruj- paer vuoor; periya- big; vuoor- village.
*124.battlements- baru- poar/war
*125.reward- bara- paeru
*126.a horse- bara- pari
127.a market/ a bargain- bazar – paeram paesu /to bargain ; letters are jumbled
*128.a voice- bazakh –paesuka /to speak
129.false/ wrong- batil- poeiththal / became false.
130.cow house-baghil- koa kulam ; kulam- house; koa- cow/ ox. odoriferous grass -bala- pul/ grass
*132.old- bali- pazhaiya/ palio
133.girl arrived at maturity- baligha – penn aalakida ; pann- girl ;aal- an adult ; aakida- to become .
134.maker- bani- pannu/ make; panniyan / maker.
*134.a lady- banu –penn
135.bride- banu- mana penn ; manam- marriage .
136.wife/ one of several who has one husband in common - butanj –pondaatti ; letters are jumbled; penn +aatti penn- female .
137.anointed – bipsuda- ennai poosida ;ennai- oil .
138.bored- bipsuda- poththida
*139.squeezing/ pressing- batkh- pithukku of an idol temple- but khala/ but kada- pathumai koil ; pathumai- doll / statue ; koil- temple ; pathumai koattam; koattam- temple.
*141.writing- bitik- theettuka
*142.the town of Battiah in Bahar - bItiya- patti/ village; Bahr- paer uoor; pariya- big; vuoor- village,
143.wooden basket batuk- kattai koodai; letters are jumbled; kattai -wood; koodai- basket.
*144.vulva- bajujiya- pochchu
145.infant- bacha- saei
*146.great river- bahr- periya aaru ;periya- big; aaru- river.
147.sea- bahr- paari ; paru ; peru neer .
148.fortune- bakht –pankku adaiya ; pankku- share; adaiya- to have
149.a portion/ part- bakhsh- paakam
*150.divide- bakhsh- paku
151.a mace- bakht- kattai ; kathai.
152.night mare- bakht- ketta kana; ketta- bad; kanaa- dream.
153.sharer- bakhrait- pankku udaiyoar ; letters are jumbled; pankku- a share.
154.partner- bakhrait-koottu -k-kaaran ; letters are jumbled.
155.escape- badd- thappiththidu ; letters are jumbled.
*156.idol- badd- pathumai
157.bad- bada- theethu
*158.with great difficulty- bad bad- paadu pattu
*159.created- badi- padai/ create; padaiththathu/ created.
*160.a side- bar- puram
161.a province in Dakhn/ India- barar- paer vuoor ; periya- big; vuoor- village. of a city- barana- paranam / a village in Tamil Nadu
163.the country otherwise called Sistan- barbed- periya patti , a village in Tamil Nadu , Tirupur district; paarai patti , a village in Tiruchirappalli district , Tamil Nadu.
*164.prosperous- barkhu dar –perukuthar
*165.increase/ growth/ abundance – barkh-peruka
*166.abundance/ blessing/ prosperity -barakat- perukida of a country and city ruled by queen Noshbh at the time Sikandar- barda-
*168. to bear- burden-poruththidanum
*169.fried/ roasted – birishta- porichchathu
*170.clay-gili- kali munn
171.a large pond- birkat- periya kuttai; periya- large ; kuttai- pond.
172.a noble/ liberal man- barmaki - peru makan ; peru- great ; makan /son /lord.
173.acting- baranda- purinthidu army- barnos- poar ani; poar- war; ani- troop.
175.dispersed- baryash –piriya
176.hole- birina- poarai
*177.wise man/ grandees- buzurgan –paer arignan ;periya-great; arignan- scholar.
178.speaking freely- basatat- paesidu / speak
179.bed- bistar – paai iduthar / bed making; paai- mat; iduthar- make; paduththar /lying down.
180.seeing- basar –paaru
181.butcher’s knife/ large knife- bughda/ bugda – patta kaththi ; letters are jumbled ; kaththi- knife ; koththu kaththi; koththu- to chop . of Baghdad – [ pa-] – ka- the -] – kudi; kudikaadu / village/ residential place/ hamlet.
183.arm pit- baghal- akkul /axilla; kai kuli;’ kai- arm; kuzhi- pit
184.ancient name of Mecca- Bakkat- kudi / village; kudi kaadu
185.fetid-balghada- azhukida
*186.reproach – balqandar- pazhikkindra
* pari- para
*188.old- balud- pazahaiyathu
*189.puberty- balughiyat –aalaakida/ to become an adult
190.son- bin- aan/male
191.a drink- ban- paanam
*192.fastening- band- pinaiththidu
193.agreement- band- oppantham
194.maker- band- pannidu /make
195.oath- band- aanai yaeiththidu
196.son - bokht- kodukkan
*197.a spot- bota- pottu
*198.a dwelling place- bud- patti
*199.leaping- bauk- paaika
200.a son- baul- aan pillai ; aan- man; pillai- child.
201.a town near Lahore- bihra- paer vuoor ; periya- big; voor- village.
202.anxiety- bayat –peethi / fear bir- oru
*204.forest- besha- pochchai
205.unrestrained- bi qad- kattu paduthu; letters are jumbled.
206.departing- buyud –poaeida/ gone
207.setting/ sun- buyud- paduththida / lying down
* of a city- baihaq- paakam
* old man- pariz- perisu; periyoar . fly- paridan- paranthida; letters are jumbled.
*211.ruin- palagh- paazhaaka
212.a shoe- paydan- paatha ani; paatham- foot; ani- to wear. lease- patta- patta / deed
* holder- patta dar- patta udaiyaar ; udaiyaar – one who has.
214.ripen- pakhtan- kaninthida; letters are jumbled.
*215.straight sword- pata- patta
216.a side- pakh- pakkam of a city and river- parana- porunai /a river in Tamil Nadu
218.cause to fly- paranidan- paranthidanum
*219.dispersed- puraz- piriya
220.a division of a province- pargana- perun-k-kaanam
*221.a side- parra- puram
*222.fairy- pari- paei uru ; uru- figure; paei- ghost ; poei uru ; poei- false .
223.flight- paridagi- paranthiduka
224.later- pastar- pittrai
*225.uncleanness/ polluted - palid- puzhuthi /pollution; puzhuthi adaiya /polluted.
226.five- panj- anju would think- pindari- ennuthar /thinking
228.rotten- posida –vossi poeida; letters are jumbled. Afghan tribe- Patan –thinai/kind
*230.produced- paida- padaithidu / to produce.
231.born- paida- peththida/ beget; padaiththida / to produce /create.
* old man- pir- periyoar/ old persons; periyaar- great person.
*233.old men- piran –periyaon / old man old man- pir sal- periya aal; periya- great/ elder /big; aal- person.
*235.single- ta- oththai
*236.single sheet of paper- ta- oththai yaedu ; yaedu -sheet.
* resembling- ta- oththa
238.milch cow- ta- maadu / cattle general name; madi thadiththa maadu ; madi- udder; thadiththa- thick; maadu- cow. sharpen- tab- theeta
240.folding- tab- madippu polish- tab- thaei
242.tile- taba- thattu oadu
*243.anger- tab- thudippu arrow with a blunted head- tat- mottai udu ; mottai- blunt; udu- arrow. taj- mudi
*246.wearing- dar-uduththuthar
247.merchant- tajir- yettiyar ; Settiyaar ; letters are jumbled.
248.a garment worn at Tabriz- tajiki- udukkai/ dress; udukka- to wear.
* tara- thee uru ; thee- fire; uru- form.
250.assault- taz-adi
251.running- taz- oaadu/run; oaattam /running. taz- puthusu of a fort in Sistan- tagh- koattai; letters are in reversed order.
254.vine- tak- kodi; letters are in reversed order.
*255.pond- tal- thollam
*256.worshiping- ta alluh – thuthiththal ; oaathuthal /reciting
*257.a garment- tay- aadai ; udai.
258.bad- tabah- thappu ;theethu .
259.pustules upon the lips – tab khala- uthattu koppalam; letters are jumbled; uthadu- lip; koppalam- pustule.
260.completing- tatmim- mudiya; letters are in reversed order.
261.a screen- tajir- thirai
*262.equal to another- tahaddi—oththathu
*263.sharpening/ sword- tahdid- theettidu
*264.written- tahriri- teettuthar /writing
265.consuming by fire tahriq- theeyir erikka ; thee- fire; erikka- to burn .
266.rubbing one’s body while bathing- tadalluk- thaeiththu kuli; letters are jumbled; thaei- to rub; kuli- to take bath.
*267.pretending anger / disdain [ like lovers]- tadallul -vooduthal
268.oiling / anointing- tadhin- ennai thaeiththidu; letters are jumbled; ennai- oil; thaei- to anoint
*269.distant/ being remote- tarr- ettaththir
*270.ground/ earth – turub-tharai
271.a scale- tarazu- root word is edai iduthar; edai- weight; iduthar- to make.
*272.shoulder bones- taraqi- thoar akku ; thoar- shoulder; akku- bone. of a city- tirbid- tharu patti /a village in Uttrakand; Thirupathi / temple town in Andra Pradesh; Thirai patti /Tara patti - village in UP; Saethura patti - village in Tamil Nadu.
274.opposing- tardid- ethirththidu
275.glueing- tarsis- ottuthar
*276.covering the face with a veil- tarsis- thirai idu ;thirai- screen; idu- make.
*277.door- tura- thirappu
278.vagabond- turk- thirika/ to wander
*279.abandoning/ desertion- tark- thurakka
*280.a flimsy kind of garment- taryo- thuir / fine cloth
281.a slap- tas- adi; thattu.
282.nine/ numeral- tisat- thondu
283.driving- tasyir- oaattuthar
*284.agreeing- tatabuq- oththu poaka
*285.distance- taadi-etti
286.opposition- taaruz- ethirththar ; letters are read more than once. prevent- tarruz- thaduththar
*288.prevent- tawiq-thadukka
289.polishing- tarib- thaeiththar
290.exposing- tariz-theriya sei / make known
291.making known- tarif- theriya
292.praise- tarif- paaraattu; letters are in reversed order.
293.evil- tas- theethu
*294.searching- taaqqub-thaedukai
*295.procrastination- taallul-thalli iduthal / postponing
296.taking care of- taahhud – paaththidu
*297.reproaching- tayir- thittuthar
298.appointing- tain- idanum
299.concealing- taghatti- pathukkidu
300.spittle- tuf- thuppu/ to spit
301.walking in a stately manner- taft/ taftan- peedu nadai poadu ; letters are jumbled. burn- taftan- thee idanum; the- fire; idu- make. run- tuftan- oadi poaeidanum /to run away
*304.looking steadily at – tafarrus- uththu paaru
*305.musket- tupaq- thuppaakki; thoakku.
306.swelling/ breast of girl- tafik- thadikka /to swell; pudaikka ; letters are jumbled.
307.distilling drop by drop/ to come away drop by drop - taqatur-
*308.drum- duff- thappu
*309.restrain- taquid- adakkidu ;odukkidu .
*310.repressing- taquid- adakkida
*311.pointing a book- taquid- yaettai eduththu kaattu ; yaedu- book ;eduththu kattu- to quote.
*312.running- tak- oaaduka /to run
*313.running- tag- oaaduka /to run and search- tak u pu- oaadi thaaduka / thaedi paakka ; letters are jumbled; oaadu- run ;thaedu -search; paakka- to find.
*315.blow- tak- adikka ;kuththu ; letters are in reversed ordr.
*316.stroke- tak- adikka; thaakku ; letters are in reversed order. talash –thaeduthal ; thaedal .
*318.the hole of a scorpion- talaj- thael thulai ;thael- scorpion; thulai- hole.
319.entire/ totally - tamam- moththamum ; letters are in reversed order. be completed- tamam- mudi / to complete; letters are in reversed order. die- tamam- madi ; letters are in reversed order.
* tanka- thankkam
*323.woven- tanida- thunniyathu
*324.alone- tanha- thaniyaa
325.cloth sufficient for a dress- tuna- thuni /cloth
326.alone/ single- tauw- voaththiya ; letters are in reversed order.
*327.consenting/agreeing -tawatu – vothhtidu ; letters are jumbled.
*328.a parrot- toti- thaththai / one can speak pay a debt- toktan- kadanai kodukka ; letters are jumbled; kadan- loan; kodukka- to give.
* show- tokten- eduththu kattanum tokten- thaedi kandidu ; letters are jumbled ;thaedu- to search; kandidu- to find..
332.trampling on -tautiat-mithiththida
*333.scolding -tawaud-thittu
*334.flight- tol- oaaduthal /running
*335.elopement- tol- oaaduthal;oadi poathal.
336.pearls- tum- muththu; letters are in reversed order.
*337.the bottom- tah- adi
338.prepare- taiyar- seithar
*339.deceit- tital –yaeiththal
*340.the best of its kind- tir- tharam
341.thunder and lightning- tir- idi idiththar; idi- thunder; idiththar- to thunder
*342.sad /sorrowful - tira- thuyarm; thuyar ura.
343.sorrow- timar- thuyaram ; letters are jumbled.
344.great lady- tiram –maa thiru; letters are jumbled; maa- great.
345.knife- tegh- kaththi; letters are in reversed order.
346.peak of a mountain- tegh – mukadu; letters are in reversed order. awl- tegh – koattaan; letters are in reversed order.
*348.fleshy- saadat-sathai udaiya ; sathai- flash; udaiya- having .
*349.asset- jadad- soththu ; root word is udamai/possession .
350.magic/ juggling/ witchcraft - jadu- soothu
351.magician- jadu kar – soothu kaarar
*352.a river/ stream- jarur –siriya aaru ;siriya- small; aaru- river.
353.young girl- jariya- siriya penn ;siriya- small; penn- girl.
354.dwelling – jay gah- saaikai / to repose / house
355.grandfather- jadd- thaaththaa
*356.death- jadid –seththida/ to die fresh- jadid- puthiyathu
*358.a prison- jaras- sirai
*359.lock of hair- jad- sadai owl- jughd- koattaan
361.summit of a mountain- jakad- mukadu
362.totality – jumlagi –muzhukka/ entirely
363.plucked—janat- aainthathu; aainthidu /to pluck.
*364.paradise- Jannat- saenn naadu
365.young man- jawana- sinnavan / little man; letters are jumbled; yuwan.
366.a thin unleavened bread -chapati- saappidu / to eat; saappaadu /food .
367.a seal- chap- achchu
*368.gathered- chida- saeththathu knot at the back of the head- chaghand- kondai
370.shepherd- chupan- maeippan ; suppan . owl- chagag- kookai
372.lord/ noble- hukkam – koamaan ; letters are in reversed order . hakim- kunamaakkovoan ; kunam- healthy ;akku- m ake; aakkuvoan- one who makes. .
*374.telling- hikayat- kathaiththidu
*375.fable- hikayat- kathai
*376.itching sensation- hikkat- kadiththida / itching
377.sewing together- hiyasat- saeththu thei; saeththidu – to join; thei- to stitch.
*378.end of anything- kahtimat – kadai madai
379.rock- khara- kar paarai of a town in Persia- khara- karur / a town in Tamil Nadu; root word is karai /on the bank of the river Carvery; erukka /to exist/ to dwell; letters are in reversed order.
381.scratch- kharish-sorika ; letters are in reversed order.
*382.a woman – khara- kaarikai
*383.a woman- khana -kanikai; kanni . khal- mukizh
*385.title of a king- khan- koan
386.the rank of khan- khaniyat- koan pattam; pattam- title.
*387.a fountain- khana- kaeni/ a well
*388.testicle- khaya- kaai
389.sun- khaya- koan of a city in China- khata- kudi; kudi kaadu ; letters are read more than once.
391.a road- khadd- kadavu; ka= va; va= ka.
*392.defective- khadda- kaedu
*393.fraud/ deceit- khudat- koathaattu
*394.snoring- kharahkar – kor kor viscous clay – khard- karuthta munn ; karuththa- black ; munn- soil.
396.intellect- khard- kooru udaiya ; kooru- sense/ intelligence ; udaiya- having
397.the wise- khiradmandana – kooru udaiya maanthan; kooru- intelligence; udaiya- having; maanthan- man.
398.nature of the wise- khiradmandana khoy- kooru udaiya maanthanin kunam ; kooru- intelligence ; udaiya- has; maanthan- man; kunam- nature /character.
399.wise- khiradwar– kooru udaiyavar ; udaiyavar- one who has.
*400.fault- khurda – kurai udaiya/ faulty ; kurai- fault; udaiya- having.
*401.blemish- khurda – karai udaiya ; karai- stain; udaiya- having .
402.a critic- khurdadan- kurai kooriduvoan ; ka= va; va= ka; kurai- fault; kooridu- to say; kooriduvoan- one who says.
403.a bear- khirs –karadi
404.fault seeking -khurda gir- kurai thaedukira ; kurai- fault; thaedu- to search.
405.less/ small - khurdikak –kuraiththiduka / to make less.
*406.cry- khurush – karaiya
*407.tearing- kharq- keeruka
408.a heap- khara- kuviyar ; ka= va; va= ka.
409.fruit stone- khasta –kottai
410.wounded- khasta –kaayam adaiya ; kaayam- wound; adaiya- to have.
*411.wound- khism- kaayam
*412.a line- khatt- koadu
*413.a limit/ border / margin –khatt -kaadu; kaattam; koadam .
414.a lance- khatt-kuntham ; kuththu eetti ; kuththu- to pierce; eetti- lance .
*415.a letter /note- khatt-kaditham / letter
416.writing- khatt- kaditham; root word is kai theeta; kai- hand; theetta- to write; kaththiyam /prose.
*417.hand writing- khatt- kai theetiya; kai- hand; theettu -write.
*418.a fault /error - khata- kuththam
*419.conversation-/ speak - kitab- kathaippu
420.a large country in Scythia – khatay- kudi /village; kudi kaadu ; letters are read more than once.
421.asking in marriage- katb- penn kaetpu ; pann- bride/ girl; kaetppu – asking; letters are jumbled.
422.asking in marriage- khitbat – penn kaettu paaththidu ; penn- bride/ girl; kaettidu- ask ;paaththidu- see.
*423.story- khitta- kathai
*424.sweeping the ground- khatil- koottuthal
425.a lancer- khat guzar –kuththu eetti kaarar ; kuntha kaarar ; kuntham- lance.
*426.empty- khala- kaali
*427.a tribe- khil –kuzhu
428.epilepsy- khula- kai kaal izhukkai ; kai- arm; kaal- leg; izhukkai – pulling.
429.mud at the bottom of a cistern- khalan- kali munn ; munn- soil; kalai- clay.
430.a large city in Khatay- kallukh –kallakam /a village in Tamil Nadu
*431.lasting for ever -khalad- ekkaalaththum ; kalaam- time .
*432.ankle ring- khal khal- kaal kolusu /anklet ; kaal- foot of a mountain- khulu- kal/ stone; oaankkal .
434.void of care- khali- kavalai illai ; kavalai- concern; illai- without; ka= va; va= ka.
435.a large bowl- khalij –kalan
*436.punctured- khalida- kizhiththida
437.a tumult- khalish ; kalakam
*438.crowd- khalish –kuzhu uoo
*439.a wolf- khali- kakkal
*440.ghul/ demon- khali- kooli / ghul
441.a jar- khunt- kundaan/ a bowl
*442.celebrated- khanida – kondaadiya ; kondaadu -to celebrate.
443.adorned- khiwali –koalam sei /to decorate; sei- do/ make.
444.beautiful young girl- khaud-kutti ; kattaichchi.
445.comb/ of a cock- khud- kondai
*446.meat- khwur-kari
*447.eating- khwur- kori/ gnaw
* eat/ gnaw- khwurdan- koriththidanum
*448.eating- khwurda- koriththar kuwurak- korikka / to eat
* of a village near Balkh – khut- kudi
451.a kite- khol- kazhuku
*452.dark- khira- karu
*453.wheat or barley in the blade- khid- koathu ;koathumai/ wheat.
*454.passing quickly- khaita- kada kada nnu kadakka ; kada kada – quickly ;kadakka- to pass /to cross.
455.sewing- khaita- theikka; letters are in reversed order.
*456.horses- khail –killai
457.nature/ character -khim- kunam
*458.tribes- khuyul –kuzhu
459.eating- das- thuei command- dadan - aani ittidu ; letters are jumbled; aanai- a command. give- dadan- thanthidu ; letters are jumbled.
*462.a branch- khal- kilai
463.thick and fat- tal- thadiththu ulla
*464.grain- dan- thinai/ millet
465.god- dawar – thaevar ; thee uru ; the- fire; uru- form.
466.a nurse- daya- uoottu thaai ;uoottu -to feed; thaai- mother.
467.eternal- daimi –eppoathum /always
*468.a drum with one skin- dap –thappu
*469.far /remote- dahiq-ettakka
470.driven to a distance- dahiq/dahq-etta oaattuka ; etta- at a distance; oaattuka- to drive .
*471.driving away- dar- thuraththi adiththar /chase away dada- aattam; aadidu /to play.
*473.grandfather- dada- thaaththa
*474.nurse- dada- uoottu thaai ; uoottu- to feed; thaai- mother.
*475.against- dar- ethiraa
*476.following one another- dirak- thodaruka
477.a large gate- darb- periya thirappu ; letters are jumbled; periya- big; thiarppu-gate.
478.conversation- daray- uraiaadu / converse; letters are in reversed order.
*479.suture/ joint- darz- theiththar ; theiyar .
480.threshing/treading- dars- mithiththar
481.reading a book/ studying - dars – oaathuthar; padiththar.
482.lying with a woman- dars- pennoadu paduththar ; penn- woman; padu- to lie down .
483.being menstruous- dars- theetu adaithar reap- daro- aruththidu ; letters are in reversed order; reap[E]= aruppu/ payir aruppu; payir- crops.
*485.river/sea - darya- thurai
486.mariner- darya kar- thurai kaarar
*487.know/ knowing – daryab – theriya
*488.sorrow/ grief- darigh –thuyar uruka
*489.failure- darigh-thoarkka/ to fail
490.imprisoned- dustag- adiththiduka /to detain /confine
491.clapping of hands- dastak- kai thattuka ; letters are jumbled; kai- hand; thattuka- to clap. das- thaa
493.copulating- das/ dap – yaeththu/ mount
494.pushing- das- idi
495.piercing with a spear- dasr-theiththar; yaeththuthar.
*496.prayers – duat- thuthi
*497.prayer- duo-thuthi; oaathu /recite
498.a public dancing girl- dua guy- aatta kaari ; aattam- dance l; kooththiyaa ; letters are in reversed order .
*499.burning- da- the idu /to burn; thee- fire; idu- make.
*500.deceit- dagah – yaeiththiduka
501.attacking- daghr- thaakkuthar; letters are jumbled.
502.pouring out /water- dafg-uooththuka
503.pounding small- daqq-podikka; podi- small; idikka- to pound.
*504.a coarse garment- daq-udukkai/ garment
*505.opposition- daq- ethukku/ to oppose
* knock / the door- daqq-thattuka /to knock ; kathavai thattuka ; kathavu- door; ka= va; va= ka; letters are jumbled. ankkadi; letters are in reversed order.
* aal; idai- middle; aal- person.
509.agreeable- dilju- yaeththiduthal / agreeing
*510.abode- kada- koattam
511.drum- damdama- dam dam / onomatopoeic
* dunya – thinai
513.running- dav- voaadu /to run; letters are in reversed order.
* duwal- thole
* burn- dud- thee idu ; thee- fire; idu- to make.
*516.remote/ distant- dur- ettaththir
*517.lips- tuti- uthadu
518.cheeks- guna –kannam
519.ten- dah- paththu
* run- dawidan- oaadi vidanum ;oaadu -to run.
*521.a running- dawidagi –oaadi vidukai / to run off
*522.the rack-dahg- adukku
523.cutting- dagh- thundikka
*524.breaking- dahk- udaikka
**525.copulating- dahk- yaeththidukai / mounting
526.grinding- dahk- idikka
527.a village- dih kada – kudi kaadu ; letters are jumbled; / kings of Persia -dihim- pattam
*529.a giving- dihandagi –thanthidukai
530.a giver- dihanda- thanthoan
*531.pure- did- thooyathu
*532.a hole- dida- oaattai
*533.a devil -dev/ dewan – theeyavan ;theya- bad.
534.yesterday- -dina- naeththu; letters are in reversed order.
*535.body- zat- sattai
536.kind- zat- thinai
*537.tasting- zawag- suvaikka/ to taste
538.firm- ratib- uruthi
539.merciful -rahim- erakkam; letter ‘h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’.
*540.prince- raz- arasan/ king
*541.shepherd- rai- aayar
*542.increasing- rai- uyara
543.tow garments sewed together- retag- eru udukkai kootti thaeikka ; letters are jumbled; eru- two; udukkai- dress; kootti- together; theikka- to stitch
544.compassion- rahmat- erakkam udaiya ; erakkam- mercy ;udaiya- having.
545.rejection- radd- maruththidu / to reject
546.sleeping- raqd- urankkidu
547.river – rud- sariththu ; raathini .
548.large river- rud bar- periya sariththu ; letters are jumbled; periya- big; sariththu -river.
549.smiling- ruy dil- siriththal
550.the capital of Persian Iraq- ray- uoor / village; Iraq= orikkai /a village in Tamil nadu ; root word is erukka /to exist/ to live /to dwell.
*551.wound- zakhm – kaayam
552.wounded- zakhm dar- kaayam adaithar ; kaayam- wound; adaithar- to have .
*553.departing-zuhul / zahl- sella / going /leaving
554.battle – zad- sandai / fight wipe- ziday- thudai polish- ziduda- thaeithhtidu shoot/ fire off- zadan- sudanum sound-zadan- oaasai idanum ; oaasai- sound; idu- make. touch- zadan-thodanum
*560.riches- zar- seer
*561.wealthy person- zar dar- seer udaiyaar- ; udaiya- having . of a Town in Khurasan -zarbag- uoora paakkam / a village in Tamil Nadu smith- zarkar- urai kaarar ; urai- gold.
*564.coition- zar –saeru/ unite
565.a large earthen vessel- zukand- kundaan / ?etal vessel
*566.alms- zakat- kodai
567.being corrupted- zala- uoozhal
568.time- zaman- mani
569.the world- zamana- munn /land /earth lord- zamin dar- munn udaiyaar ;udaiyaaar- those who have. chew- zamidan- meenidu; letters are jumbled.
572.quickly- zud / zud- a zud –sattu sattu nnu ;root word is udanae/ instantly .
573.Baghdad- zaura- saeri
574.penis- za- sunni
575.increase -ziyadat- vusaththidu / letters are jumbled; yaeththidu.
*576.adding- zaid-saeththidu/ to add
*577.penetrating – zirak- soruka
*578.inclining- zaigh – saaikai
579.a ladder- zina- yaeni
580.pricked- zhadu – theiththida ; yaeththida .
581.punctured- zhadu- oaattai idu; oaattai- hole; idu- make.
582.make- sakht- seithiduka ; letters are jumbled; aakkidu / make sakht- kattu maanam ; kattidam- building; kattu- to construct. build- sakhten –kattanum make- sakhten- aakidanum
586.make- sakhtagi- aakkiduka
587.made- sakhta- aakkiyathu
587.sleep- sat- saainthidu
588.pure- sad- thooyathu
589.preparing/ making- saz-sei /prepare wear- saidan- soodidanum
591.road- sabil- saalai
592.placed- sitada- ittathu of a place- sitar- sitroor /little town ; siththoor / a village in Andra Pradesh ; saathhtur/ a village in Tamil Nadu .
594.a veil -sitar-thirai/ a screen
595.taking- sitad- eduththidu
596.praise- sutudagi –thuthiththiduka
597.praised- situda- thuthiththidu
598.buttocks- sath- sooththu
599.enmity- sakhal- kollaamai
600.hard/solid - sakht- ketti
601.difficult- sakht- kadinam
601.intense- sakht- kadumai
602.thick- sakht- kettiya
603.violent/ cruel - sakht- kodiya
604.abundance- sakht- koattai; kaattam. sakht- kattu
606.hardness- sakhtagi- kettiyaaka
607.adversity- sakhti- kaedu
608.evil -sakhti- kaedu; keduthi .
609.distress- sakhti- ikkattu sakhd- kothiththida
611.closing /a hole- sadd-oaattai yaei adaiththidu ;oaattai- hole; adai- to close.
612.stopping up/ blocking - sadd- thaduththidu
613.obstruction- sadda- thadi idu ; thadai- block; idu- make.
614.doors- sadad- thitti
615.a drink- sura- saarayam ; root word is saaru- juice.
616.a summary- sara sar- saaram ; root word is saaru -essence. of a river- sarau-aaru
618.colonel -sertip padai aatchchiyar /warrior caste in Tamil Nadu; letters are jumbled; colonel [ ka- la- an- la-]- ani kaavalan ; letters are jumbled; ani- army/ troop; kaavalan- guard / protector ; vaal uzhuvan /commander ; ka= va; va=ka. .
*619.flock- gala- kuzhu
*620.a long mark made in the camel’s neck by burning- sita – soodu idu / branding
621.writing- satr- theettuthar
*622.a cough- sula- sali
623.being small- saghal –kullam bore/ to pierce- sufidan- poththidanum
625.ships- safin- punai
626.wise- suqrat –kooru udaiya ;arivu udaiya; ka= va; va= ka; arivu /kooru- intelligence; udaiya- having.
627.learned- suqrat- kattra; letters are jumbled.
628.give a drink- siqayat- kudi kudikka kodu; kudi- drink; kudikka- to drink; kodu- give
629.bad language- saqt-ketta paechchu ; letters are jumbled; ketta- bad; paechchu- language.
630.death- saqt-seththidukai ; letters are jumbled. salamat –nala moadu / healthy; nalam- good/ healthy.
632.a year- sanat- aandu
633.beginning of sleep- sanat-saainthida/ to repose
634.drunk- sokta- kudiththa
635.very sad- soka- soakam
*636.terror/ dread- sahm- achcham /fear
637.sheep- shat- aadu
638.shawl- shal- seelai
639.rice in the husk- shali- sol
*640.doing- shan- seiyanum /to do
641.assault- shaddat- adiththidu; saaththidu .
642.breaking anything – shadkh- udaikka/ to break
643.being fat-shadh-thadiththa
*644.a city- shar- saeri
645.rising/ sun- shuruq- yaeruka
646.knowing- shuur- ariya
647.knowing- shuurdar-arithar
648.a cut- shikla- kizhi/ to cut be torn- shiklidan- kizhiththidanum
*650.afraid-shamida- achcham adaiya ; achcham- fear ;adaiya- to get.
651.odour- shamim-manam
* die- sudan- seththidanum
653.a garment singed by fire- shud- thee paththiya sattai ;thee- fire; sattai- shirt/ cloth.
*654.robber- kar- kariyar
* of a dialect of the Persian- shuli- sol /language /word/ speak. cause to plough- shiyaridan –yaeridanum in Persia- shiraz- saeri
658.a kind of cloth- shela –sealai
659.patience- sabiri- porumai
660.flows- sadir- oaaduthar
661.silent/ mute - samit- amaithi
*662.female dress- sided- sattai /shirt; siththaadai / skirt / inner wear.
663.near- sadad-otti ; thottu aduththu
664.flowing- sudur- oaaduthar of a town- sarkhad- saeru kudi /a village in Tanjore/ Tamil Nadu. sarkhad- saaraayam kudi ;saaraayam- arrack; root word is saaru- juice; kudi -to drink.
667.small / little- saghir- kuru
668.joining- sulat- saeththiduthal ; letters are jumbled.
*669.intervening- tari- idai uooru
670.camel with a short /thick neck - tata –ottai /camel
671.divorced- taliq- thalli vaikka / to keep away
*672.agreeing - tibaq- oththu poaka
673.driving/ cattle- tarr-oaattuthar ;maeiththar /pasturing /herding
*674.sharpening- tarr- theettuthar
675.chasing/ driving away - tarad- thuraththu ; thuraththidu; thuraththi adi / oaattu
*676.piercing/ stabbing - tal- theiththal
677.driving cattle violently- tall- oaattuthal /driving away
* gold- tila- udal/ gold
*679.body- talal- udal
*680.going around- taur- thiriya
*681.equal- tauq- oththathaaka
682.placing at a distance- tahr- etti iduthar; iduthar- placing; etti- at a distance.
683.intent/ purpose - taiyat- thittam
684. a village near Ispahan – tira- thirur /a town in Tamil Nadu
685.thinking/ thought - zann- ennu/ to think; ennam /thought.
686.knowing- arif- ariya
687.tying in a knot- aqid- kattu kattu; kattu- to tie; kattu- a knot.
688.mantle- atif- aadai/ dress
689.the world- alam –gnaalam
690.a column- amud- muttu thadi ;thadi -wood; muttu thaa- to support.
*691.fresh- abit- puthiya
*692.bulky- atad- thadiththa
*693.equal- add- oththa
*694.being equal- adl- oththu ulla
*695.perennial fountain- add- uooththu
*696.running- ada- oaada ; oaattam /running .
697.a name of a town un the district Damascus- irqa- oarikkai / a village in Tamil Nadu; root word is erukkai/ to exist/ to live/ to dwell.
*698.arising- urud- yarida
*699.gathering- ashd-saththidu
700.aiding- azd-oththaasai seithidu ; letters are jumbled; oththaasai- help /aid; seithidu- do.
* ata- thaa/ give
*702.fastening- aqd- kattu
*703.a knot- aqd- kattu
*704.becoming thick and concrete / fluid- aqd-ketti aayida ; aayida- to become.
705.league- aqd- koottam
*706.entering into partnership -aqd- koottu
*707.matrimony- aqd- kattu- to marry
708.marriage fees- aqdana kattu kattanam ; kattu -to marry; kattanam- fees.
709.responsibility- aqd- kadamai
*710.gland- uqdat- katti
*711.knot/ tie/ bond - uqdat- kattida /to tie ; kattu / knot .
712.tripping of foot by an adversary / in wrestling – uqlat- kaal thadukka ; letters are jumbled ; kaal- leg ;thadukka- to block.
*713.cut- aqir- keeru
*714.a rope with which a camel’s fore foot is tied- ikal –kazhi /a rope
715.intense heat without the breath of wind- akkat- kodun-k-kaaththu ; kadumai- intense; kaaththu -wind .
716.assembling- akl- kuzhuma
*717.death- aluq- ozhikai; azhikai .
* imad- maadam
719.a support- umadat-muttu thaa /to support; muttu thadi / supporting pillar.
*720.a side- and- andai
721.bunch of grapes- inqad- kani koththu ; letters are jumbled; kani- fruit; koththu- bunch .
*722.wood/ stick - aud - thadi
* iyal-il
*724.wife- iyal- illaal
*725.becoming poor/ poverty/ needy - ailat -yaezhai aayida ; yaezhai- poor ;aayida- to become; root word is illathu/ not having.
*726.being poor- ayul- yaezhai / poor
*727.a forest- ghabat- kaadu of a city in Turkistan/ also in Samarkand - gatfar- kudi iruppu / residential place; letters are jumbled; koattaiyur / a town with fort; koattai- castle; uoor- village.
729.envy- ghar- kooram
*730.crow- ghaq- kaakaa
*731.burrow /fox’s hole - ghal –kuzhi/ hole
*732.low- ghall- keezh
733.a kid- ghala- koazhai/ child
*734.ox/ cow- ghav- ka / koa
735.idiot- ghat- kaamatti
736.a drink prepared from millet- ghadu- kudi/ a drink; kudi- to drink.
737.drinking pond water- ghadr- kuttai thanneer kudiththar ; kuttai- pond; thanner ; water; kudiththar- drinking of a city in Yaman- ghadr- kaattur / names of several towns in Tamil Nadu; root word is kudi yaeru- to dwell/ to migrate; kudi iruppu; residential place.
*739.cruel- ghadr- kodura
*740.being dark/ night - ghadr- karuththida ; letters are jumbled .
*741.a whore- ghar- kaarikai
*742.sharpness/ of a sword- gharr- kooru
*743.rinsing the mouth- gharara- kaaru
*744.gargling- gharghara- kaaru
745. house of reeds- ghard koorai veedu ; koarai- a kind of reed; koorai- roof; veedu -house; ka=va; va= ka.
746.reed- gharb- koarai pur / a kind of reed; letters are jumbled. moon- ghurra- kaar uvaa ;kaar- dark; uvaa- moon.
*748.sheep- gharis- kori
749.washing- ghasl- kazhuvu ; ka= va; va= ka.
750.a bath- ghusul khana-kulikkanum ; kuli- to take a bath ; kuliyal- bathing.
751.a veil- ghita- mukkaadu ; kuttai/ cloth ; koadi- cloth .
752.fighting hand to hand- ghals- kai kalappu ; kai- hand.
*753.mixing- ghals- kala /to mix
*754.a ball- ghalula- koalam
*755.anxiety- ghala- ghili
*756.a band/ troop- ghol- kuzhu
757.rascal- ghol- kayavaali; ka= va; va= ka; kaali .
758.profit- faida- payan adaiya ; payan- use; adaiya- to get.
*759.splitting - faliq- pilakka
760.breaking- fatq- udaikka/ to break
761.a boy- fata- podiyan
*762.seizing- fara-pari
*763.departure- firaq- pirikai
*764.separation- firaq- pirikai
*765.separating- farj- piri /to separate
*766.dividing- farq- pirikka
* of a large river- farb- periya aaru ;periya- big; aaru- river.
768.great-farz- periya
*769.great grandfather- farijad- periya thaaththaa ;thaaththaa- grandfather .
*770.war- farkhas- poruka
*771.prosperity- farrukhi –peruka
*772.hurry/ in working/ writing / speaking – farfar- para para nnu
*773.creation- ftara- padaiththar
774.flattening- fats- fattai/ flat; root word is thattai / flat.
775.foot / measurement - fot –adi
*776.passing away/ dying- faut- poaeida / gone
777.dead/ passed away- faut shuda –seththu poaeida ; letters are jumbled; seththida- to die; poaeida- passed away/ gone.
778.a cloth wrapped round the middle while bathing- futa- iduppu thuni ; iduppu-= hip ;thuni- cloth; letters are jumbled.
*779.cloth in the loom – fud/ pud –patti; padaam; puttam/ cloth
*780.a kind of Indian cloth- futat- pattti; padaam; puttam.
* army- fiat- padai
782.killer- qatil- kaathalan ; kaathuthal /killing
*783.word- qal- kuyil
*784.cawing of crows/Iraq- - qa qa –kaa kka
785.gathering together and holding with hand- qabt- koodi kai pidi ; letters are jumbled; koodu- join together; kai- hand; pidi- hold.
786.whispering- qatwat- kaathoadu kaathaa/ ear to ear; kaathu -ear.
*787.timbers of the camel saddle – qutud- kattai /timber
* old man- qahl- kizhavan ; kizhaan ; ka= va; va= ka.
*789.figure- qadd- koadu of a city- qadraf- kudi iruppu / dwelling place/ residential area ; kudi yaeru- to inhabit / to migrate
791.a well-proportioned ear- qadra- kaathu kaettiduthar ; kaathu -ear; kaettiduthar- hearing.
*792.a short tunic- qidat- kuttai aadai ; kuttai- short; aadai- dress.
793.drinking vessel made of horn- qadgh- kudi kinni ;kudi- to drink; kinni- bowl.
* qara- karu
795.reading- qar- karkka/ learning
* grain- kara gulula- kariya koolam; koolam- grain.
797.village- qarya –kurichchi of a city in Hindustan- qasdar- kaattur / name of several -places in Tamil Nadu; root word is kudi yaeru /to inhabit/ to migrate of a city in the confines of Rum – qustat –koattam; koaattayam / place in Kerala.
800.any cutting instrument- qata- kaththi/ knife; koduvaaa- sickle; ka- va= va; ka; kaththari- scissors; root word is kaathu- to cut.
801.cutting clusters of grapes or dates- qata- kani koththai koeithidu; kani- fruit; koththu- bunch; koeithidu- pluck.
*802.herds/ flocks- qata- koottam
*803.dropping/ to pour upon/ rain - qatr- kottuthar
*804.tying camels in a string- qatr- kattuthar / tying of a village in between Shiraz and kirman- qatr- kudi iruppu /residential place.
806.cloth made from Qatr- qitri- kai thari / hand loom; kai- hand; thari- loom; qatr = kudi yaeru/ to inhabit; kudi iruppu= residential place; kudiyaettram- immigration.
807.a segment /section/ portion- qita- pakuthi
*808.cutting of- qat- kaathu/ to cut
*809.excrement of a child- qaqqa-kakka ; root word is to eject out
*810.little / small- qulal- kullam
*811.necklaces- qalaid- kazhuththu ani; kazhuththu- neck; ani- wear.
*812. a plough- qalba – kalappai
813.plough man- qalba ran –kalappai kaaran ; yaeru uzhukiravan; ka= va; va= ka ; letters are jumbled.; yaeru- a plough; uzhukiravar- plough man.
814.bad money- qalba- kalla panam ; panam- money.
*815.unmixed- qalb- kalappu illai; illai- nil; kala- to mix.
*816.stick used in tip cat – qula / qulat –killi / killi thandu
817.death- qalt- kalizinthida ; kaalam aayida .
818.a pimp- qaltaban – koothiyaalai kootti koduppoan ; letters are jumbled; kooththiya- prostitute ; kooti koduppoan- a pimp; kootti kodu – to procure .
*819.pimping- qiyadat- kootti thaa ;kootti koduththidu/to procure .
*820.guidance- qiyadat-kai kaattu ; kai- hand; kaattu- show.
*821.vomiting- qals- kakkal
822.scattered people who reassemble- qulal- kuzhuma/ to assemble
823.a pen /writing - qalam – maei kole ; letters are jumbled; maei- ink; kole-stick.
824.written- qalam dida – maei kolaal theettiyathu ; theetiyathu -written.
825.writer - qalam kar- mai kolaal keerukiravar ; letters are jumbled; keeru- to write; keerukiravar- writer.
826.writing- qalam kari- maei kolaal keeru ; keeru- write.
827.a crowd- qimmat- koottam; letters are jumbled.
828.a large goblet- qumul –kalam /vessel; letters are jumbled. of a city- Chandahar- Qauandahar- kunnaththur / a town in Tamil Nadu; kanathur/ a village in Tamil Nadu.
*830.vomiting- qay- kakka
831.a shepherd- quwat- kudavan ; letters are jumbled.
*832.cotton – qawaid- kottai
*833.testicle- qawaid- kottai
834.flock of sheep- qaut- aattu koottam ; aadu- sheep; koottam- herd ; letters are jumbled.
*835.a troop- qol –kuzhu
836.speech – qaul -kilappu ; kilavi; ka= va; va= ka.
*837.word- qaul –kuyuil
*838.small eared sheep-qihad- kutti kaathu udaiya aadu /aattu kutti ; letters are read more than once; kutti- small; kaathu- ear ;udaiya- having; aadu- sheep; aattu kutti- kid. wine- qahwat –kudi/ drink
*840.prisoner- qaidi- kaithi ; root word is adaikka /to detain ;letters are jumbled .
841.castle- qitul – koattai koththalam ; koattai- fort; koththalam- garrison / fortified place .
842.confinement- qaid -kattu paduththu / confine
843.bondage- qaid- kattu paadu ; koththadimai / bonded slave.
*844.chains/ fetters- quyud- kattu
845.the eye- kabina- kann of a city in Khurasan- kat- kudi ; koattam .
847.action/ work- kar- karmam
848.maker- kar- aakkukiravar ;aakku- make; ka= va; va= ka. kagh- akki ; neekki/ remover ; remover of darkness .
850.paper kite- kaghas bad- kaakitha pattam; kaakitham- paper; pattam- kite.
*851.a cup bowel- kansa- kinni
852.mineral- kani –kanimam
*853.destroyed- kahida- kaedu adaiya
854.short sword- katra- kai kuththu koaadari ; kai- hand; kuththu- to stab ; koadari- axe.
*855.short- kutal- kuttai aal; kuttai- short; aal- person.
856.troops- katib- koottam
*857.joining/ collection- katib- koodu/to join
858.a letter/ writing- kitab- kaditham
*859. small [ in Zand and Pazand] - katas – kutti
860.carpenter- katkar- kattai kaarar ; kattai- wood. army- katibat- padai koottam ;padai – army; koottam- group / crowd; letters are jumbled.
862.the porter of castle- kutwal- koattai kaavalan ; koattai- fort; kaavalan- guard ; letters are jumbled.
863.police officer who apprehends rogues -kutwal- kuththa vaali-yaei kaithu aakkum kudi kaavalan ; kuththavaali- criminal ; kuththam- mistake/ crime; kaithu- arrst; kudi – village; kaavalan- police.
864.officer of the kutawal- kutawali –kudi kaavalan ; kudi- village; kaval- guarding; kaavalan- police officer.
865.concealing/ veiling -katm- mooduka/ to cover/ conceal
*866.quick- kut- kada kada nnnu
*867.a house- kad- kudi
868.making signal with fingers/ beckoning – kadd- kai aattu; kai- hand; aattu- shake; kannai kaattu; kann- eye; kaattu- show.
869.urging a request- kadd- kadaavu /urging; ka= va; va= ka.
*870.trouble- kadd- kaedu
871.married woman- kad banu- kattiya ponnu ; kattiya- married; penn- female /girl .
872.the state of being a house lady- kad banui –kudi pennu ; kudi- house; penn- woman.
873.a family establishment- kad kudai –kudi yim kudiththanamaa ; letters are jumbled.
874.goblet- kadu- kudam /pot; kuduvai / goblet; ka= va; va= ka.
875.a mountain pass- kaduk- kadakkai ; Kadavu /to pass/ to cross; ka= va; va= ka.
*876.village- kada- kudi
877.the wooden bar of a gate- kada- kattai/ wood; kondi- bar; kathavu – door; ka= va; va= ka.
*878.farmer - kadewar- kudiyaanavar
879.master of a family- kad khuda- kudi kandan; kudi- house; kandan- master.
*880.shore/ bank - karan –karai
*881.dirt- kara- karai
882.bracelet of gold or silver- kara- kai kaarai; kai- hand; kaarai- bracelet.
883.wrestling- kusti- kuththu sandai ; letters are jumbled. of a city in Turkistan- kasi- kaasi /Ganges River side city in North India; root word is kayam- water.
*885.short bodied man- kat- kuttai kattai; kuttai- short; kattai- body.
886.short- kul-kullam
887.village- kul- akalul
*888.male buffalo – kal- kaalai
* kall- kulam
890.guarding- kala- kaaval; ka= va; va= ka.
*891.hat- kala- kullaai
892.head man of a ward- kulo- kizhaan / head man of a village.
893.a little eater- kam khawurak –kammiya korikka; kami- little; korikka- to eat/ gnaw.
894.unwise- kam khirad- kami kooru udaiya ; kammi- less; kooru- intelligent .
*895.lower/ inferior- kam tar -tharam kammai; letters are jumbled; tharam- standard; kammai- less
896.devoid of courage – kam jurat- uruthi kammi ;letters are jumbled; uruthi- courage; kammi- less.
* little milk- kam shir- kami surappu ; kami- little; surappu- secretion
*898.home- kam- akam
899.little by little- kam kam- kami kami yaa
*900.deficiency- kami –kammi of a village where the 12 champions of Turan and Iran fought- kanabat- kanapatti / a village in Siva Ganga district Tamil Nadu; koana patti / a village in Krishnagiri district n Tamil Nadu.
* kaniz- kanni
903.a girl- kanizak-kanikai
904.the wooden sill of the door- kiwada- kathavu padi ; letters are jumbled ; kathavu- door; padi- step.
905.buttocks- kot- kundi
906.a dwarf- kutula- kuttai aal; kuttai- short; aal- person.
907.pestle- kutak- kuththu kattai ; kattai- wood; kuththu-to pound .
*908.short/ small- kotah- kuttai
*909.a fort- kot- koattai
910.governors of forts- kotwalan- koattai kaavalan ; koattai- fort; kaavalan- guard .
*911.short stature- kotah qad- kuttai kattu; kuttai- short; kattu- stature.
912.youth/ boy/ child- kudak- kodukkan
913.a hoe- kudal- kalai eduththal/ to hoe; letters are jumbled; kalai kothth /a hoe; letters are jumbled; kothuthal- to hoe.
914.little- kaura- kuraivu ; ka= va; va= ka.
915.mountain- koh- kamai
*916.a great king- kai –koa
917.a pond- kilu- kulam kimiya- kaamiyam
* embrace- gadan- katti anai
920.lie with- gadan-kooda kidakkanum ; kooda- to gether; kidakka- to lie ; letters are read more than once. copulate- gaidan- koodida num /to unite
*922.coition- gaya- oaakka /to fuck/ slang
923.a cock- gal- aan kozhi; aan- male; kozhai- fowl.
924.a sort of millet- gal- koolam / grain
*925.bull-gau- koa
*926.a whore- gani- kanikai
*927.cow herd- gav gal- koa kaavalan ; koa- cow/ bull; kaval- guard; kaavlan- a guard; ka= va; va= ka. l
*928.a cow- gav mada- koa maadu
*929.waist- garay- kurukku
930.mentioned- garay- koora / to mention
931.a kind of dog- kurji- koorkkan; root word is kurai /to bark.
932.a city of Madain- girdabad –karttu patti /a village in Madurai, Tamil Nadu
933.a patrol /watch /guard--girdwar- kaavar kaaththiduthar ; letters are jumbled; letters are jumbled; kaavar- protection; kaaththidu- to protect .
934.wandering- gardi- thirika; letters are in reversed order. sharpen- garm –koormai/ sharpness; koormai aakku /to sharpen; letters are jumbled.
*936.weeping- girya- karaiya
*937.cloth- gari- koorai
938.a gift- gazid- kodi; root word is kodu- to give.
939.a bite/ sting- gazidagi- kadikka/ dog; koththa / snake.
940.bitten- gazida-kadiththida; koththida.
941.a trap ball stick- gata- kattai/ wooden stick
942.said /spoken- gafta- kathaiththathu
943.bunch of flowers- gulala - mukizh / mokkul kulai / bunch; mukizh – flower; kulai – bunch.
*944.potter- gil kar- kalaya kaaran ; kalayam- vessel; kalayam- root word is kali munn/ clay .
945. neck- galu- kazhuththu shout with loud voice- galu- kooval; ka= va; va= ka.
*947.earthen made of clay- gili –kalan ; kali munn- clay.
*948.herd- gala- kuzhu /city- kandar- kundoor / a village in Tiruchirappalli district, Tamil Nadu
*950.a species of astrological calculation- kandar- kaniththar / assessment; kanakkiduthar/ calculation; letters are jumbled.
*951.digged- kanda –kenthu / to dig
* owl- koka- kookai
* of a tribe of nomads - koli- kuzhu
954.pounded- kawista- kuththiyathu
955.cave-kahf- kukai
956.capture- giriftagi –kai pattrukai ; letters are jumbled.
957.blamed- girifta- kurai kooridu ; kurai- blame; kooridu- say.
958.seized- girifta- kai patttridu ; letters are jumbled.
959.looking about- gasht- kanndidu ; kann- eye.
960.bee hive- gandu- thaen koodu ;thaen- honey; koodu- hive/ nest ; letters are jumbled.
961.a race of gipsies in India – gawar- kuravar ; letters are jumbled.
962.herdsman- goban –koanaan
963.short socks- gorab- kaar urai ; kaar- leg; urai- socks; kuru- small.
964.colour- guna- vannam; ka= va; va= ka.
965.pill- guli- kulikai
966.bowl- guli- kalan
967.earthen pitcher-gola kalan ; kalam ; root word is kali munn /clay .
968.precious stone- gohar- mani kar
*969.uncoined gold/ silver-gahla- koozh/ un coined gold giti- kuththi
971.possessor of the earth- giti dar-kuththi udaiyaar
* not- la- illai
973.sun- lab- el ; elli .
*974.common cardamom - lachi – yaelakkaai
*975.spoiled/ ruined- lak- azhukiya / rotten
*976.heart- lahm- ullam
977.slipper/ sandal- laka- kaal ani; letters are in reversed order; kaal- leg/ foot; ani- a wear.
978.staining- latkh- azhukku adaiya; letters are jumbled; azhukku- stain /dirt; adaiya- to have.
*979.stain- laka- azhukku/ dirt
*980.spoiled- lakat- azhukida/ rotten
*981.rising- layh -yezha ; letters are in reversed order. of a city- lahur- allur / a village in Tiruchirappalli/ Tamil Nadu
983.cowardice- legh- koazhai; letters are in reversed order.
*984.night- lail-al
*985.the sun- lev- ellavan ;alavan .
*986.died- mat- madi ; madiya .
987.title of the emperor of China- makhan –maa koan; maa- great; koan- king.
988.mother- mad- moo thaai / great mother; thaai- mother.
989.a country in the west Madeira- Madira- Madurai/ Moothur/; Maaththur / towns and villages of Tamil Nadu; Mathura.
990.mother- madar- maa thiru
991.a lizard- mar palas- mara palli; maram- tree; palli- lizard. of an Egyptian woman- mariya/ mariyat –maariyaaei ; maari aaththa.
*993.mother- mama- amma
994.exchanged- mubaddal- maaththuthal
995.original/ origin - mabda- motha
996.levelled- muttada- mattam udaiya
997.covered- mutaghatti- moodiduka / to cover; moodi idukai; letters are jumbled; moodi- a cover; iduka- make.
*998.column-maddat-muttu thadi /wooden pillar; muttu thaa- to support; thadi- stick.
*999.death-marg-maraika/ to disappear
1000.intoxication -masti-mattai adi
*1001.stupid- matuh- madamai
1002.detention place- ma kal- kaaval akam; kaaval- guarding; akam- place; letters are jumbled.
*1003.nest- khat- koodu
1004.Malabar/ India- Malabar – malai puram; malai- mountain; puram- city/ sub urban area / side
1005.smooth- malsa- mazhu mazhu nnu
*1006.heart/ mind- man- manam / mind.
*1007.gentle/ soft / smooth- munaim- menmai
*1008.marriages- manokih- manakka /to marry
1009.woman- manokih- mankkai
1010.marrying- manakkhat- mananthiduka ; letters are jumbled.
1011.finished- muntaha- mudinthathu ; letters are jumbled.
1012.speaking- mantaq- naa neettuka ; naa- tongue; neettu -to protrude.
*1013.delicate- muna ama- menmai
*1014.delicate- muna amat –menmai udaiya ; udaiya- has.
*1015.immersed- munghatt- munkkida
*1016.beaten- mautu- moththu/ to beat
*1017.trampled on- mautu- mithiththida
1018.foot print- mauti- adi thadam ; adi- foot; thadam- track ; letters are jumbled.
1019.female mountain goat- mau ilat- malai aadu; malai- mountain; aadu- goat.
1020.a tedious delay- mol a mol –mella mella/ slowly
*1021.slowly- mahl- mella
1022.wild cow- mahat- maadu
*1023.bed- mihad- meththai/ matress
*1024.throne- mihad- maedai /stage
1025.moon- mahtab- mathi open high terrace- mahtab-maadi; mottai maadi .
*1027.elder- mihtar- mooththoar ; muthiyoar.
1028.seniority – mihtarai- moothu urimai ; muthu murai; letters are jumbled.
1028.quiet/ tranquillity – mahdanat –amaithi adainthida ; amaithi- peace; adainthida- to get.
1029.middle/ centre- miyan- maiyam
*1030.boundary- maid- mattu
1031.finest flour- maida- idiththa maa; idiththa- pounded; maa- flour; letters are in reversed order.
1032.emperor/ prince- mir- mannar
*1033.die- mir- maraiya/ to disappear
* mail- maiyal of a king- minus - mannan
1036.a glass gem- minu- mani/ gem of a city/ Zahhak’ s time - minu bad –mana patti / a village in UP.
*1038.a country- nahiyat- naadu
*1039.nail/ claw- nakhun – naka kannu/ nail bed; nakam- nail. narang/ naranji –naarankkaai ; naara- to have smell; kaai- green vegetable/ un ripe fruit.
1041.talking/ speaking/ speech/ articulation - natiqa/ nutuq –nodikka
1042.a reed- nal- naanal
* pipe- nal- nalaa
*1044.small stream/ canal - nal –nalaa
1045.bread- nan- uoon/ food
*1046.boat- nawa- navaai
1047.son’s son/ grandchild- nabir –paeran /grandson; letters are jumbled; root word is peyar- name; grandson bearing the name of his grandfather.
*1048.shaking- natk –nodikka
*1049.bad smell- nata nat- naathta nedi ; naaththam- stinking; nedi- smell.
1050.tall- najd- nettai
1051.tall – nat nat – nettai ; nettai yaanathu / being tall.
1052.long- najil- neelam
1053.running away- nadd- nadai edu / take a step; nadai- walk ;edu- take.
1054.penis- nari- aan kuri ; aan- male; kuri- symbol.
1055.male – nara- oru aan; oru- one; aan- man/ male; letters are jumbled.
1056.weaving nesj- nei ; nesavu
1057.marriage/ conjugal intercourse- nikah –inaika / to unite
*1058.look/ watch- nigah- noakku /custodian – nigah dar –noakkiduvoar ; ka= va; va= ka.
*1060.good/ fine / fair- nalm- nalam
*1061.good- nayil – nalla
*1062.mother- nana- annai
*1063.rays of light- naur- niram
1064.a word /speech – nula –pannal
1065.a fur garment- wat- vudai / garment
* single/ solo – wahid/ wahd – voththai
*1067.unity- wahda- voththumai
1068.heir- waris- vuriyoar ; urimai vuriyoar ; urimai- rights. of a mountain- wadd-vidam/ mountain
*1070.farewell- vida- vidai thaa
*1071`.falling / rain- wadq- wooththuka of a city- wargo – uoorakam
1073.arriving – wurud- varuthu / coming /arriving of a place in the country of Rum- warigh- vurakam
1075.flowing /water - washl- vazhiya
1076.going fast- wishak-visukku visukku nnu /fast
*1077.being equal- wata at- voaththathu
*1078.agreeing- wat- voththida
1079.the cloth placed over the haudah- wat –vudai / garment
1080.kick on the ground- wats- vothai / a kick
*1081.kicking- watd- vothaiththidu /to kick
1082.breaking to pieces- wats- vudai / break
1083.home- watn- veedu
1084.a promise- wa da-vaai thaa
1085.being quick- waq- vaekam/ speed; vaekamaa / speedily.
*1086.copulation- wiqa- voakka / fuck /slang
1087.a stone- wagl- kal
*1088.time- wala- vaelai
*1089.desiring eagerly- wal- aaval
*1090.desirous- wala a –aavalaa
*1091.desirous- wala at -aaval oadu ;aaval udaiya ; udaiya- has.
1092.howling- wal wal- vuoolai of a country- wahr- vuoor / village
1094.aid- wid- voththaasai
*1095.paining- wail – valai
*1096.the gate of hell- wail- vaayil /gate
*1097.victory/ success- wail- vella ; vel .
1098.cry- waila- voalam vai
1099.thunder- haddat- idi idiththida ; idi- thunder; idiththida- to thunder
1100.breaking- htr- udaiththar
*1101.breaking- had- udai / break
1102.demolishing- had- idi; idiththidu .
*1103.pouring down- hatl -uooththuthal
1104.destruction- hadam- saetham of Herat- Ariya- uoor / village
1106.raining incessantly- hatl- peithal
1107.hiccough – hukkuk-vikka
1108.fungus/ mushroom- hagal- kaalaan
*1109.lost- halak- izhakka
*1110.death- halak –azhikai ; ozhikai .
1111.anything fallen down/ dropping off - huluk- vizhuka ; ka= va; va= ka.
1112.the whole- hamadi- moththam mum; moththam- total. of several kings/ royal- humayun- mannan / king
1114.royal palace- hamayun gah- manann akam ; akam- house.
1115.the temple of Jerusalem – hokht- koattam / temple
1116.drawn/ sword- hwkta/ yakhta- kathithiyaei edu; kaththi- knife; edu- to take off.
1117.temple of idolaters/ church – haikal- koil ; koa- king/ god; il- house.
*1118.a chamber- yakhta- koodam yakhta- kudi/ any drink; kudi-to drink.
* ask- yakhtan –kaettidanum
1121.educated- yakhta- kattra
1122.a glove- yara –kai urai ; kai- hand.
1123.bold/ strength- yara- uram
1124.a village near Aleppo- yaruqiya – oaarikkai / a village in Tamil Nadu; root word is erukkai/ to exist /to live/ to dwell.
1125.a king- yawand/ yawandan [ kings] – vaenthan/king; aandavan/ god ; letters are jumbled.
*1126.small/ little- yasir –siriya; letters are jumbled.